As an executive partner, I've brought employees into contact with Huib every so often in the past, when they needed coaching. At the time, it struck me how efficiently Huib got down to work. In just two or three sessions, he managed to achieve very positive results.

Ben Janssen
When I came up against a complex situation at work myself, I decided it was my turn to get advice from Huib. No regrets whatsoever!
Huib gets straight to the point. His direct style of inquiry facilitates a process of insightful self-discovery. In my case, feelings and facets of behaviour I didn't even know I had - unexplored capability, you might say - were brought to the fore. Within 15 minutes or so, Huib can get you to shift your point of view by opening up unexpected and fresh perspectives on a situation. Getting past the constraints of your own belief system.
A naturally very open person, Huib was willing to show his own vulnerability during our sessions. The knock-on effect was that I felt similarly invited to open up and reveal a lot about myself. This gave way to meaningful dialogue on an equal footing. Huib has also given me more insights into the spectrum of human relationships - from group dynamics and interaction to dynamics both in hierarchies and beyond positional power - as well as how patterns of behaviour and pitfalls arise, and, not least, the importance of clear communication.
I'm also really impressed by the way Huib remembers all the facts and specifics so clearly from one session to another, even if they're scheduled far apart. That testifies not only to good preparation, but also to his sincere involvement with his coachee's.
Huib's added value is that he has a wide range of experience at his fingertips. He draws on a wealth of knowledge and expertise in dealing with complex work situations, while being able to converse on and respond to existential questions. I think that's quite exceptional. He manages to combine professional issues with private and personal matters in a very organic way, too. His take on things could be enlightening at times; it certainly took me to the next level.
Written by Jannie Regnerus, based on a telephone interview